Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Is it friendly?

Top 5 Horror Films:
5. Dog Soldiers
4. Cabin in the Woods
3. Evil Dead (remake)
2. 28 Days Later
1. Ginger Snaps

This is one of many top fives ill be doing. Id explain why I thought each of these deserved to the the top, but this is just one assholes opinion. That being said, I think ginger snaps is the best werewolf film ever, 28 days later was terrifying in that it was the first time zombies were fast and aggressive (THATS RIGHT I SAID ZOMBIES), evil dead has to be the best remake I have ever seen, and the other two were good but not for any particular reason.

Now for some news, it was recently announced that a pez movie is in development, no word on the playdoh film. Prometheus 2 will begin production in January, and Damon Lindelof has nothing to do with it! Ronda Rousey to play herself in upcoming biopic, I guess if eminem and Antoine Fisher can do it anyone can. After a lengthy legal dispute, it was announced that they are moving forward on another Dungeons and Dragons film, like we need another one of those. News of the new plot of Jurassic World have surfaced, it will involve “open source” dino tech, cant wait to see what the Koreans will do with this! And Channing Tatum finally signed the papers, he is Gambit, o boy.

Saw a new film over the weekend, Unfriended. While I thought the ideas for this film were interesting, maybe it should have been based on anything other than a teenager who was bullied into suicide, and not just any bullying, CYBERbullying. The whole film takes place on this girls computer, it had me engaged it was really cool, but the writing kinda devolved from there, it turned into a all teenagers suck movie. Ill spoil something right now, THEY ALL FUCKING DIE, and by the end you're not sympathetic at all, I call that bad writing, but again this is just one assholes opinion. Seriously kids, if something is making you tremble while you're on the net, UNPLUG THE FUCKING COMPUTER!

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