Thursday, August 13, 2015

Oh No, More Bacon!!!

Anybody here sick of reboots and remakes. I'm not against them, sometimes i'm even for them, but what was just announced sickened me, why oh bearded man in the sky, why, would they choose to remake JUMANJI! They already tried a spiritual sequel with Zathura with mixed results but come on, I may not be alone in saying that was probably Robin Williams best film. Watch them decide to make it dark and gritty, seriously the film was perfect, there is virtually NO ONE asking for a remake. Except that asshole jerry in the corner of every meeting, every time someone has an original idea jerry just chimes in with “lets just remake something!” Jerry needs to be shot, point blank just to be safe! I'm going to hate myself for saying this, but just watch, I can see the headline now, John Cena just cast as Robin Williams's character in JUMANJI! Thats it, wheres the sawed-off.

Lets take a moment and talk about Will Smith and his reluctance to be in a sequel to bad boys, namely 3. I used to love his films, there was a time when I thought he could do no wrong, then Hancock came out. Which I thought was just ok, but boy I did not see After Earth coming. Sidenote, why do all these famous actors flock towards shit directors, Uwe Boll, Skip Woods, and the big one M. Night Shyamalan. Its almost like actors really don't care what movie they're in, 20 million, sure lets do the sixth sense 2. Will Smith has hit a BIG lag in his career case in point, his next film suicide squad hes costarring, yet when someone brought up independence day 2 he glared at them, Will if I may be so bold, you could use a hit my friend, saying maybe to Bad Boys 3 is like saying “Fuck my fans, what do they know.” Time will tell what happens to Will.

Winona Ryder confirmed with a news outlet Beetljuice 2 is indeed happening. Yea, ok Winona, how long have we been hearing about a beetljuice sequel, CLOSE TO 2 DECADES. Folks don't get too excited, at one point a script was completed for a film called, Beetlejuice Goes To Hawaii, so this is it huh Burton, no wonder the guy doesn't like doing sequels, although he can be good at it, Batman Returns. Then again who knows, they may just make it, if they can make independence day 2 after 20 years of speculation, Beetlejuice 2 may get made. I have an idea, a small one mind you but I think it would benefit it greatly, give the film to a new director, have Tim stay on board as writer and producer, but this is just one assholes opinion.  

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