Monday, August 17, 2015

Everybody gets one!

Looks like the Jason Todd/Joker theory is gaining momentum with yet another analysis of the trailer, I'm still on the fence, but could be different and cool.  Check out the article here!   The creator of The Crow has come forth to announce despite going through numerous directors and actors, the reboot is still moving forward.  My own opinion, they should have given up when Juan Carlos Fresnadillo and Bradley Cooper left, the concept art alone was awesome.  Ali Larter who played Claire Redfield in the Resident Evil franchise recently said the next film will be the last, not sure how i feel about this, haven't like any of them since Resident Evil Apocalypse.  Last but not least, the director for Star Wars Episode 9 has been announced, Colin Trevorrow, the director of Jurassic World, i may not have liked Jurassic World, i however think he might be a better fit for Star Wars.

Since Jon Watts has been announced as the new director for the untitled Spiderman reboot, i decided to do some research.  His new film was just released, a film called Cop Car.  So naturally i checked it out, the film is about a couple of kids who run away then find a cop car, then steal it.  It shows the kid's perspective and the cop who's vehicle they stole, i don't want to give too much away, but WOW!  It starts out innocent enough, but it doesn't take long to go into WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT territory.  id call it a morbid comedy, other might see it as...well ill say it again WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!  This guy is directing the new Spiderman!  To be fair, James Gunn has also done a Marvel film and that turned out pretty awesome, so who knows.

Not sure if anybody is a fan of Attack On Titan, but I'm going to talk about it anyway.  The live action film differs from the anime in several ways, almost funny some of the decisions they made, mainly because they had to film a German centric anime in Japan.  First the look of the Titans, pretty fucking goofy and creepy, some were just downright funny how terrible they looked.  Second, the film moved way too bloody fast with little to no exposition.  Third, they crammed too much material into a 90 minute film.  But you know what, given what they had, it was actually entertaining, maybe the second part will be better.  FUCK!!! that baby Titan was creepy!

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