Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Another One!

Finally! The tremors5 trailer is here! Still looks goofy, still has Burt, I cant wait! Now im waiting for an official announcement for a new Chucky movie, yep, still not tired of those either. If I can give any advice on sequels to franchises, don't just shoot down a sequel even though its going straight to dvd. There have been plenty of straight to dvd surprises out there, I am however one of the few that liked every tremors and Chucky film, but still, when you see a sequel to a franchise you liked that went straight to dvd, give it a shot. Who knows, you may end up watching something you were surprised wasn't in theaters. But you could also stumble across something that makes you question life, like that new hellraiser movie, WHY REPLACE DOUG BRADLEY AS PINHEAD!!!

Speaking of horror films, a new friday the 13th is on the horizon, no doubt without Kane Hodder again but it is a remake. I wasn't really a fan of the first remake, I guess thats a trend in Hollywood now though, folks if ya didn't like our first remake congratulations WERE GONNA FUCK UP AGAIN! Some examples would be fantastic four, spiderman, alien, and punisher. Some of these remakes however are shockingly good, case in point the new evil dead, hell even our remake of ringu. But for the most part Hollywood is getting the impression, if they fuck up, they can always try again. Minor side note, alien vs predator could have been brilliant had it been set in the aliens future time line instead of the present.

For those viewing these blogs of mine, tell me some of your favorite remakes or some sequels to franchises you would like to see done.

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