Monday, August 24, 2015

The sun is shining, but......

Most of the major films of next year have wrapped up filming, next year should be interesting.  The one i look forward to the most, Captain America Civil War, oddly enough the same film I think will probably suck, but I need to remind myself that I thought The Avengers was going to be terrible, which I was wrong about.  I just have trouble with believing that a film of this magnitude can possibly be pulled off, the comic ark was HUGE! Marvel also doesn't have nearly half of the characters needed, granted this film will be loosely based off the arc, but still I worry.  God bless those bastards at Marvel though, even if it does suck, THEY GOT MY MONEY!

Now onto some juicy news, Vin Diesel's next film will reportedly be XXX 3!  This one is a long time coming, especially after that dreadful excuse of a sequel, nothing against Ice Cube but I really don't buy him as an action star, maybe I've seen Friday too many times.  We need another XXX film with THE XXX, not another star stamped with that tattoo on the back of their neck, HONESTLY!  That and I may not be the only one thinking it, please, for the love of God, STOP MAKING FAST AND FURIOUS FILMS!  Don't get me wrong they're actually good action films but come on guys, 7 films in and they want to make 2 more, are you fucking kidding me this isn't star wars mother fuckers!  Please end it at 7 with that tearjerker of an ending, it was a perfect sendoff to a great guy and a perfect end to a series, MORE XXX AND MORE RIDDICK!!!

Tiny outburst if I may, Dear James Cameron, FUCK THE AVATAR SEQUELS, make Battle Angel like you said you wanted to do, Avatar came out in 2009, at this rate you will be dead before you finish the third AND YOU WANT TO MAKE 4!  Battle Angel is begging to have a good adaptation made and you sir are the perfect choice, for those unfamiliar with Battle Angel here ya go.  I feel I should say this because while Avatar was a good film, it was hardly your best work.  If anything The Terminator and its sequel were your best, prime example why Battle Angel might be a return to form.  Well, that's all for now, I'm going to try and throw a review/rant by you guys in the next couple of days, could be about the live action Dragonball film, could be about Prometheus, or Shriek if ya know what i did last friday the 13th, yea that's a real movie!

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