Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Alien Vs Predator.....F#@K that was hard to watch!!!

I recently read an interview online where they asked Sigourney Weaver of Alien fame, why did it take so long to consider another Alien film after all this time, one of her opinions was the Alien vs Predator franchise ruined almost any chance of a Alien 5. I agree, but she wasn't on board the Alien vs Predator film to begin with. In case you don't know how the film got made, there was a scene in the end of Predator 2, in the Predators trophy room there was the skull of a xenomorph (Alien). This scene alone spawned countless spinoffs in comic books, novels, and video games. With every story centered in the future Alien universe, because thats when the creatures were first seen, but not according to the movies we got.

The first Alien vs Predator film was SHIT for a number of reasons, the number one being, why the fuck center it in the present AND on Earth where we don't have space travel. Their reason is lovely, “Well you guys didn't know this, but xenomorphs were here all along, theres no need to go into space!” WHAT!?!?! Then they explain that the Predators used the xenomorphs for training the young ones. Oh, and they used the ancient humans to spawn them, we apparently worshiped them as gods, and gave them our virgins to help spawn the xenomorphs. This bullshit, inconceivable, lackluster, obscene, fuckall of an idea aside, at least make the fights cool, THEY FOUGHT LIKE WWE WRESTLERS! And why make the predators these beefy, steroid induced, testosterone laden creatures, that would make Schwarzenegger in the pumping iron days weep, anybody remember the first one, yea the Predator was big, but he had more of a basketball player build, kinda lanky, that one made you feel like it was harder to kill, these beefcakes, if you ran fast enough you could flip them the bird be on your merry way and not have to worry about the thing hunting you down, it might die of a heart attack while chasing you.

And those are only a few reasons, but Fox listened to one complaint above all the others, which of course is a rather decent complaint, it being PG13, every other film in both franchises is rated R. So, they announced a sequel, Alien vs Predator Requiem, promising us the hard R film we wanted. Pump your brakes Fox, that was ONE of the many complaints, and in the list of them it was rather minor but hey if they listened to one complaint, maybe they listened to the others right? FUCKING WRONG! They set it in the present and on Earth AGAIN! NO, FUCKING NO! What we wanted was the Aliens and the Predators to fight in the future, ya know, where EVERY FUCKING COMIC AND NOVEL PLACED THEM IN! Not to mention the movie pretty much spits in the face of every fan, plasma doesn't burn, Predators actively kill non armed humans, and a wonderful small town setting, Ladies and gentleman, Fox is treating you viewers like you have the mental capacity of a goldfish. And, based on the new Fantastic 4 film, THEYRE STILL DOING IT!!! Again, these are but a few of my thoughts on the matter, I may do a Prometheus review, which I hated more than these films, then I can get REALLY colorful!

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