Friday, August 28, 2015

But the ice is slippery!

Guillermo Del Toro wants Godzilla for Pacific Rim 3, HAHA good luck, you're lucky you got the green light for 2!  Not alot of people enjoyed Pacific Rim mainly because in the end, it was pretty much a homage to old school monster movies and in my opinion mecha anime.  That and this film suffered from another case of poor marketing, the trailers showed a much different film, its really a shame these days that a trailer gives you an idea of a film only to have you see the final product and its nothing like that idea.  That's why i think Pacific Rim suffered, it didn't make as much as it could have, so many movies these days suffer from poor marketing and its just getting worse.  Frankly, with how much it did make i was beyond shocked they even considered a sequel.

Not sure if anybody is a Entourage fan, the HBO series, but i just saw the film and i must say, if you're a fan of the series you will definitely love this film, however if you haven't seen the series, you might not enjoy it, actually thinking back on it NO you wont.  I did have one problem with it, it seemed like they tried to cram an entire season into a 90 minute movie, so naturally it was fast paced, BUT if you've seen the series you wont have any problems getting every joke, it was a good film but if i had my choice between this movie and another season I'd pick the latter.  I can just imagine someone only hearing about this movie from a friend going into it not having any idea of what to expect, they might leave saying WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!?!?  WAS THAT GARY FUCKING BUSEY!!!  HOLY SHIT, THAT WAS THE "i see dead people" KID!!!  You know what, never mind, the movie might actually get new people to go and watch the series from the start!

It was just announced the Assassins Creed movie will share the same universe as the video games, the movie is about a new character with ancestral ties to the assassins, this idea i like, making original characters and interweaving them into the game in which the film is based.  although it has been done before in the Resident Evil films there is potential for that approach.  Not a big Fan of the Resident Evil film franchise, the first one had completely original characters but had connections to the video games, with every sequel there was more from the games in the movies.  I say I'm not a big fan because the first and second were actually decent, not sure what happened behind the scenes with the third one, but it seemed like the writers got together and said, you know what we should totally do guys, TROLL EVERY FAN OF THE FIRST 2, AND KEEP TROLLING insert evil maniacal rich guy laugh.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't think it was posing but we could see even less of Desmond in the movie then in the newest games
