Wednesday, September 2, 2015

I don't know, I didn't go to Burger King!

And now a review, The new boxing film Southpaw. Interesting to note, this film was originally slated to star rapper Eminem shortly after his hit 8 Mile came out. Not sure why he chose not to pursue this film but to each their own, as it stands it was a decent film with arguably a better actor taking Eminems place, Jake Gyllenhaal. My initial thoughts on this film after watching were, this felt like a boxing movie for teens who have never seen a boxing movie or never cared to. Its definitely geared more towards the newer generation of movie goers, everything about the film screams generic boxing film, not saying that thats bad, I just felt I had seen it done plenty of times by better filmmakers, BUT, the acting was good, I thought Forest Whitaker was pretty standout in this one. In the end, it was entertaining for what it was, and the ending was heartfelt.

I think its time for a Top 5. Action Films.

5. The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai (1984)
Such a shame nobody saw this movie, it was such a simple yet complex sci-fi action film, it was the expendables without the muscles, hell I thought it was cooler than the expendables! Peter Weller played an awesome neo cowboy, John Lithgow an awesome villain, Jeff Goldblum was in it, it had everything!
4. Robocop (1987)
Another awesome Peter Weller film, Robocop may have technically been a parody of sorts, but that didn't stop it from being AWESOME! It had everything a teenage kid with testosterone pumping through his veins would want, blood, guts, profanity, and ROBOTS FIGHTING TO THE DEATH!
3. Escape from New York (1981)
Snake Plissken, need I say more. John Carpenter broke the mold creating this action hero. Alot of action films since this one have borrowed from it, even video games. I can only hope the remake they're planning on doing is at least half as good as this one.
2. Predator (1987)
In my opinion, this is the movie that launched Arnold Schwarzenegger into super stardom, another sci-fi action film, it starts off with a group of expendable like characters going into the jungle on a rescue mission. Turns out, Something else had a plan for them, an extraterrestrial hunter, one of the most wicked looking aliens of all time.
1. Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
This is one of those rare thirds in a franchise that was as good if not better than the original, and while there weren't that many explosions, a complaint most had with the film, it was still a hell of an action film. I mainly liked this one because of the camaraderie between Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson, they were a perfect fit for a character driven movie!

Again, these are just one assholes opinion!

Pretty soon here I'm going to watch San Andreas, Dwayne (The Rock) Johnsons new disaster film. I'm dreading however, not a big fan of disaster porn movies, I fucking HATED 2012, and I didn't think too highly of The Day After Tomorrow either. The only one I really liked was Independence Day, but the rock is in it so who knows, I wasn't a fan of the first G.I. Joe film but I saw the second and I must say it was better mainly because of him. I know I'm not the only one thinking this, but how cool would it be if the rock joined Vin Diesal in the new XXX film. I'm on pins and needles for this new XXX, I'm mostly waiting on an announcement on who will be directing it, if Rob Cohen comes back, I'm a happy man, if say, Skip Woods is hired to do it, I may start a riot.

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