Tuesday, July 21, 2015

july 15 2015

If you haven't seen the trailer leaks from comicon, you might want to check them out. Xmen apocalypse was one with our first look at the films titular villain. My thoughts, too early to tell but from what ive seen, not impressed but again too early to tell. Hopefully they work on the makeup for apocalypse because right now he looks like he came straight out of the mighty morphin power ranger movie. Of course deadpool was awesome, glad they're taking advantage of that r rating. Batman v superman and suicide squad are different stories.

I'm still on the fence about batman v superman mainly because its been pushed back a few times even though its been complete for little over a year now. Suicide squad gave us our first glimpse at joker, im cautiously optimistic about jared leto, I like he didn't exaggerate his voice to much for it but the damn tattoos throw me off. I'm hoping there is something more to them, maybe the joker tattooed himself for a weird (but logical for the joker) reason.

Slow day in movie news, theres always a lull after comicon. Resident evil: the final chapter has finally started filming, not sure how excited I am for that. Lord knows im gonna watch it, with each installment after the second one I hope maybe this one will be ok, only to watch the whole thing and scream at the tv WRONG. Still, there is the thin veneer of hope. Another bit of news, disney isnt done doing live action versions of their animated classics, this time however they're making a prequel to aladdin about his genie (WHAT?!?!).   

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