Friday, July 24, 2015

july 24 2015

I've gone my whole life not watching any movies premiering on the syfy channel, yet somehow I managed to get myself trapped in a room with none other than the aptly titled sharknado 3 oh hell no! The circumstances of how I got myself into this predicament I wont get into, it was funny after it was over, my friends quickly stood up and shouted WE WASTED 2 HOURS ON THAT, my only response was tell me dear friends, what the hell did you expect exactly, an Emmy winning performance from Tara Reid, I think not. Also, dear syfy, 2015 and were still killing the black guy first, and why does Ann Coulter get to live exactly, actually I imagine she must taste gamy never mind.

In movie news, after being crowned third highest grossing movie of all time, it was announced Jurassic World would be getting a sequel. Not very surprising I know, I can only imagine what there going to do next though, raptors with frickin lasers attached to there frickin heads......what? Director of horrible bosses Seth Gordon to direct baywatch film with Dwayne(The Rock)Johnson to star, fingers crossed we get Scarlett Johansson. News of a xmen fantastic four crossover floating around, I guess fox thought, lets not get rid of them, LETS COMBINE THEM, HAHAHAHAH SUCK IT MARVEL! I do not agree with this.

Thats it for now, might be doing a review of antman tomorrow, still trying to figure out a good rating system, I have a couple of ideas that sound pretty funny but haven't decided yet. Only movie i'm really looking forward to now is hunger games mockingjay part 2, of course star wars in December, cant think of anymore i'm really looking to see in theaters. Might as well end this on a quick review of Paul Blart mall cop 2, Kevin James please stop. 

1 comment:

  1. What?? you didn't like Sharnado3?? my favorite part was the gold plated chainsaw! Can't wait for Sharnado 4 ;o)
