Friday, August 28, 2015

But the ice is slippery!

Guillermo Del Toro wants Godzilla for Pacific Rim 3, HAHA good luck, you're lucky you got the green light for 2!  Not alot of people enjoyed Pacific Rim mainly because in the end, it was pretty much a homage to old school monster movies and in my opinion mecha anime.  That and this film suffered from another case of poor marketing, the trailers showed a much different film, its really a shame these days that a trailer gives you an idea of a film only to have you see the final product and its nothing like that idea.  That's why i think Pacific Rim suffered, it didn't make as much as it could have, so many movies these days suffer from poor marketing and its just getting worse.  Frankly, with how much it did make i was beyond shocked they even considered a sequel.

Not sure if anybody is a Entourage fan, the HBO series, but i just saw the film and i must say, if you're a fan of the series you will definitely love this film, however if you haven't seen the series, you might not enjoy it, actually thinking back on it NO you wont.  I did have one problem with it, it seemed like they tried to cram an entire season into a 90 minute movie, so naturally it was fast paced, BUT if you've seen the series you wont have any problems getting every joke, it was a good film but if i had my choice between this movie and another season I'd pick the latter.  I can just imagine someone only hearing about this movie from a friend going into it not having any idea of what to expect, they might leave saying WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!?!?  WAS THAT GARY FUCKING BUSEY!!!  HOLY SHIT, THAT WAS THE "i see dead people" KID!!!  You know what, never mind, the movie might actually get new people to go and watch the series from the start!

It was just announced the Assassins Creed movie will share the same universe as the video games, the movie is about a new character with ancestral ties to the assassins, this idea i like, making original characters and interweaving them into the game in which the film is based.  although it has been done before in the Resident Evil films there is potential for that approach.  Not a big Fan of the Resident Evil film franchise, the first one had completely original characters but had connections to the video games, with every sequel there was more from the games in the movies.  I say I'm not a big fan because the first and second were actually decent, not sure what happened behind the scenes with the third one, but it seemed like the writers got together and said, you know what we should totally do guys, TROLL EVERY FAN OF THE FIRST 2, AND KEEP TROLLING insert evil maniacal rich guy laugh.

Monday, August 24, 2015

The sun is shining, but......

Most of the major films of next year have wrapped up filming, next year should be interesting.  The one i look forward to the most, Captain America Civil War, oddly enough the same film I think will probably suck, but I need to remind myself that I thought The Avengers was going to be terrible, which I was wrong about.  I just have trouble with believing that a film of this magnitude can possibly be pulled off, the comic ark was HUGE! Marvel also doesn't have nearly half of the characters needed, granted this film will be loosely based off the arc, but still I worry.  God bless those bastards at Marvel though, even if it does suck, THEY GOT MY MONEY!

Now onto some juicy news, Vin Diesel's next film will reportedly be XXX 3!  This one is a long time coming, especially after that dreadful excuse of a sequel, nothing against Ice Cube but I really don't buy him as an action star, maybe I've seen Friday too many times.  We need another XXX film with THE XXX, not another star stamped with that tattoo on the back of their neck, HONESTLY!  That and I may not be the only one thinking it, please, for the love of God, STOP MAKING FAST AND FURIOUS FILMS!  Don't get me wrong they're actually good action films but come on guys, 7 films in and they want to make 2 more, are you fucking kidding me this isn't star wars mother fuckers!  Please end it at 7 with that tearjerker of an ending, it was a perfect sendoff to a great guy and a perfect end to a series, MORE XXX AND MORE RIDDICK!!!

Tiny outburst if I may, Dear James Cameron, FUCK THE AVATAR SEQUELS, make Battle Angel like you said you wanted to do, Avatar came out in 2009, at this rate you will be dead before you finish the third AND YOU WANT TO MAKE 4!  Battle Angel is begging to have a good adaptation made and you sir are the perfect choice, for those unfamiliar with Battle Angel here ya go.  I feel I should say this because while Avatar was a good film, it was hardly your best work.  If anything The Terminator and its sequel were your best, prime example why Battle Angel might be a return to form.  Well, that's all for now, I'm going to try and throw a review/rant by you guys in the next couple of days, could be about the live action Dragonball film, could be about Prometheus, or Shriek if ya know what i did last friday the 13th, yea that's a real movie!

Monday, August 17, 2015

Everybody gets one!

Looks like the Jason Todd/Joker theory is gaining momentum with yet another analysis of the trailer, I'm still on the fence, but could be different and cool.  Check out the article here!   The creator of The Crow has come forth to announce despite going through numerous directors and actors, the reboot is still moving forward.  My own opinion, they should have given up when Juan Carlos Fresnadillo and Bradley Cooper left, the concept art alone was awesome.  Ali Larter who played Claire Redfield in the Resident Evil franchise recently said the next film will be the last, not sure how i feel about this, haven't like any of them since Resident Evil Apocalypse.  Last but not least, the director for Star Wars Episode 9 has been announced, Colin Trevorrow, the director of Jurassic World, i may not have liked Jurassic World, i however think he might be a better fit for Star Wars.

Since Jon Watts has been announced as the new director for the untitled Spiderman reboot, i decided to do some research.  His new film was just released, a film called Cop Car.  So naturally i checked it out, the film is about a couple of kids who run away then find a cop car, then steal it.  It shows the kid's perspective and the cop who's vehicle they stole, i don't want to give too much away, but WOW!  It starts out innocent enough, but it doesn't take long to go into WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT territory.  id call it a morbid comedy, other might see it as...well ill say it again WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!  This guy is directing the new Spiderman!  To be fair, James Gunn has also done a Marvel film and that turned out pretty awesome, so who knows.

Not sure if anybody is a fan of Attack On Titan, but I'm going to talk about it anyway.  The live action film differs from the anime in several ways, almost funny some of the decisions they made, mainly because they had to film a German centric anime in Japan.  First the look of the Titans, pretty fucking goofy and creepy, some were just downright funny how terrible they looked.  Second, the film moved way too bloody fast with little to no exposition.  Third, they crammed too much material into a 90 minute film.  But you know what, given what they had, it was actually entertaining, maybe the second part will be better.  FUCK!!! that baby Titan was creepy!

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Oh No, More Bacon!!!

Anybody here sick of reboots and remakes. I'm not against them, sometimes i'm even for them, but what was just announced sickened me, why oh bearded man in the sky, why, would they choose to remake JUMANJI! They already tried a spiritual sequel with Zathura with mixed results but come on, I may not be alone in saying that was probably Robin Williams best film. Watch them decide to make it dark and gritty, seriously the film was perfect, there is virtually NO ONE asking for a remake. Except that asshole jerry in the corner of every meeting, every time someone has an original idea jerry just chimes in with “lets just remake something!” Jerry needs to be shot, point blank just to be safe! I'm going to hate myself for saying this, but just watch, I can see the headline now, John Cena just cast as Robin Williams's character in JUMANJI! Thats it, wheres the sawed-off.

Lets take a moment and talk about Will Smith and his reluctance to be in a sequel to bad boys, namely 3. I used to love his films, there was a time when I thought he could do no wrong, then Hancock came out. Which I thought was just ok, but boy I did not see After Earth coming. Sidenote, why do all these famous actors flock towards shit directors, Uwe Boll, Skip Woods, and the big one M. Night Shyamalan. Its almost like actors really don't care what movie they're in, 20 million, sure lets do the sixth sense 2. Will Smith has hit a BIG lag in his career case in point, his next film suicide squad hes costarring, yet when someone brought up independence day 2 he glared at them, Will if I may be so bold, you could use a hit my friend, saying maybe to Bad Boys 3 is like saying “Fuck my fans, what do they know.” Time will tell what happens to Will.

Winona Ryder confirmed with a news outlet Beetljuice 2 is indeed happening. Yea, ok Winona, how long have we been hearing about a beetljuice sequel, CLOSE TO 2 DECADES. Folks don't get too excited, at one point a script was completed for a film called, Beetlejuice Goes To Hawaii, so this is it huh Burton, no wonder the guy doesn't like doing sequels, although he can be good at it, Batman Returns. Then again who knows, they may just make it, if they can make independence day 2 after 20 years of speculation, Beetlejuice 2 may get made. I have an idea, a small one mind you but I think it would benefit it greatly, give the film to a new director, have Tim stay on board as writer and producer, but this is just one assholes opinion.  

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Alien Vs Predator.....F#@K that was hard to watch!!!

I recently read an interview online where they asked Sigourney Weaver of Alien fame, why did it take so long to consider another Alien film after all this time, one of her opinions was the Alien vs Predator franchise ruined almost any chance of a Alien 5. I agree, but she wasn't on board the Alien vs Predator film to begin with. In case you don't know how the film got made, there was a scene in the end of Predator 2, in the Predators trophy room there was the skull of a xenomorph (Alien). This scene alone spawned countless spinoffs in comic books, novels, and video games. With every story centered in the future Alien universe, because thats when the creatures were first seen, but not according to the movies we got.

The first Alien vs Predator film was SHIT for a number of reasons, the number one being, why the fuck center it in the present AND on Earth where we don't have space travel. Their reason is lovely, “Well you guys didn't know this, but xenomorphs were here all along, theres no need to go into space!” WHAT!?!?! Then they explain that the Predators used the xenomorphs for training the young ones. Oh, and they used the ancient humans to spawn them, we apparently worshiped them as gods, and gave them our virgins to help spawn the xenomorphs. This bullshit, inconceivable, lackluster, obscene, fuckall of an idea aside, at least make the fights cool, THEY FOUGHT LIKE WWE WRESTLERS! And why make the predators these beefy, steroid induced, testosterone laden creatures, that would make Schwarzenegger in the pumping iron days weep, anybody remember the first one, yea the Predator was big, but he had more of a basketball player build, kinda lanky, that one made you feel like it was harder to kill, these beefcakes, if you ran fast enough you could flip them the bird be on your merry way and not have to worry about the thing hunting you down, it might die of a heart attack while chasing you.

And those are only a few reasons, but Fox listened to one complaint above all the others, which of course is a rather decent complaint, it being PG13, every other film in both franchises is rated R. So, they announced a sequel, Alien vs Predator Requiem, promising us the hard R film we wanted. Pump your brakes Fox, that was ONE of the many complaints, and in the list of them it was rather minor but hey if they listened to one complaint, maybe they listened to the others right? FUCKING WRONG! They set it in the present and on Earth AGAIN! NO, FUCKING NO! What we wanted was the Aliens and the Predators to fight in the future, ya know, where EVERY FUCKING COMIC AND NOVEL PLACED THEM IN! Not to mention the movie pretty much spits in the face of every fan, plasma doesn't burn, Predators actively kill non armed humans, and a wonderful small town setting, Ladies and gentleman, Fox is treating you viewers like you have the mental capacity of a goldfish. And, based on the new Fantastic 4 film, THEYRE STILL DOING IT!!! Again, these are but a few of my thoughts on the matter, I may do a Prometheus review, which I hated more than these films, then I can get REALLY colorful!

Monday, August 10, 2015

Looks Hungry, For Humans!!!

Well...that true detective season 2 ending was DARK!  I apologize in advance if i have regular readers, have been a bit busy but I'm still here.  Just finished true detective season 2, for those who haven't seen season 1, DO IT!  I cant really say this season was better or worse, it was very different other than the obvious changes in characters.  I felt this season was indeed a good way of showing that after season 1's happy ending, not every story has one.  But DAMN, it leaves you with a feeling of no hope whatsoever, which it really was trying to do.

I may as well go into some anime, if you haven't figured out by now, I'm a fan of any medium.  Just saw the new Dragonball Z film, Resurrection F which brings back frieza the fan favorite.  Initially i wasn't really on board with bringing him back, at this point in the DBZ universe hes pretty much a punching bag.  But they made it work, in that i mean he did gain some strength and a new form, but by the end of the movie you figure out, Goku and Vegeta were pretty much just toying with him.  that being said i thoroughly enjoyed it, made me feel like a kid again.

Fantastic 4 bombed at the box office only bringing in 23 million in its 4 day weekend.  Fox came out to the press to announce they haven't given up hope in bringing these characters to life.  REALLY FOX! FUCKING GIVE UP, MARVEL STUDIOS IS LAUGHING AT YOU!  After the film bombed a rumor started to float around that the planned sequel to the film which already had a date, will instead be put on the back burner for another film, a sequel to a film that has MUCH more hype and good press floating around it, not to mention fans are going nuts for it in the good way. DEADPOOL 2, and if it happens the director of the first film wants to bring Cable into the mix.  Fanboys and fangirls rejoice!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Is it friendly?

Top 5 Horror Films:
5. Dog Soldiers
4. Cabin in the Woods
3. Evil Dead (remake)
2. 28 Days Later
1. Ginger Snaps

This is one of many top fives ill be doing. Id explain why I thought each of these deserved to the the top, but this is just one assholes opinion. That being said, I think ginger snaps is the best werewolf film ever, 28 days later was terrifying in that it was the first time zombies were fast and aggressive (THATS RIGHT I SAID ZOMBIES), evil dead has to be the best remake I have ever seen, and the other two were good but not for any particular reason.

Now for some news, it was recently announced that a pez movie is in development, no word on the playdoh film. Prometheus 2 will begin production in January, and Damon Lindelof has nothing to do with it! Ronda Rousey to play herself in upcoming biopic, I guess if eminem and Antoine Fisher can do it anyone can. After a lengthy legal dispute, it was announced that they are moving forward on another Dungeons and Dragons film, like we need another one of those. News of the new plot of Jurassic World have surfaced, it will involve “open source” dino tech, cant wait to see what the Koreans will do with this! And Channing Tatum finally signed the papers, he is Gambit, o boy.

Saw a new film over the weekend, Unfriended. While I thought the ideas for this film were interesting, maybe it should have been based on anything other than a teenager who was bullied into suicide, and not just any bullying, CYBERbullying. The whole film takes place on this girls computer, it had me engaged it was really cool, but the writing kinda devolved from there, it turned into a all teenagers suck movie. Ill spoil something right now, THEY ALL FUCKING DIE, and by the end you're not sympathetic at all, I call that bad writing, but again this is just one assholes opinion. Seriously kids, if something is making you tremble while you're on the net, UNPLUG THE FUCKING COMPUTER!