Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Another One!

Finally! The tremors5 trailer is here! Still looks goofy, still has Burt, I cant wait! Now im waiting for an official announcement for a new Chucky movie, yep, still not tired of those either. If I can give any advice on sequels to franchises, don't just shoot down a sequel even though its going straight to dvd. There have been plenty of straight to dvd surprises out there, I am however one of the few that liked every tremors and Chucky film, but still, when you see a sequel to a franchise you liked that went straight to dvd, give it a shot. Who knows, you may end up watching something you were surprised wasn't in theaters. But you could also stumble across something that makes you question life, like that new hellraiser movie, WHY REPLACE DOUG BRADLEY AS PINHEAD!!!

Speaking of horror films, a new friday the 13th is on the horizon, no doubt without Kane Hodder again but it is a remake. I wasn't really a fan of the first remake, I guess thats a trend in Hollywood now though, folks if ya didn't like our first remake congratulations WERE GONNA FUCK UP AGAIN! Some examples would be fantastic four, spiderman, alien, and punisher. Some of these remakes however are shockingly good, case in point the new evil dead, hell even our remake of ringu. But for the most part Hollywood is getting the impression, if they fuck up, they can always try again. Minor side note, alien vs predator could have been brilliant had it been set in the aliens future time line instead of the present.

For those viewing these blogs of mine, tell me some of your favorite remakes or some sequels to franchises you would like to see done.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

What the universe holds!

So much for gambit, Channing Tatum has reportedly left the production, this may be rumor.  Hugh Jackman has posted a teaser image of him as wolverine with the hashtag onelasttime asking fans what they would like to see in his last wolverine film.  This is funny to me in that, more than 90% of suggestions are going to thrown out the window, mainly because all the fans will want multiple characters in it.  Still no word on if he is going to be in xmen apocalypse, there wasn't any word on him being in first class either so theres still a chance.  An xforce movie was in the works a little bit ago but those talks have died down, now the talk is of the new mutants comic.  

That's the news so far, lets do something different, here are the next big films coming out in August.
August 7th
Fantastic Four
August 14th
The Man from U.N.C.L.E.
Straight Outta Compton
August 21st
Hitman Agent 47
Sinister 2
August 28th
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: The Green Legend

When August ends ill do one for September.  These were the highlights of whats coming out, usually when August hits the summer movie season dies down.  Interesting though, the most hyped for movie coming out this year is coming out in December, of course I'm talking about star wars the force awakens.  I can only imagine how big this film is going to be, not only is George Lucas gone, but star wars is in the hands of the fans.  Now if this one fucks up too, i believe we only have ourselves to blame, everything about this movie screams, we have heard the fans and we have delivered.  

Monday, July 27, 2015

Antman and the future!

Not much news on a monday, I think ill just jabber on. Antman was a surprise, went in not really caring about the character and left wanting more. Not much of a spoiler, but I would advise everyone to stay after the credits, this being a marvel movie you probably already know you should do this, they show a brief scene from captain america civil war, very brief but it is a cool treat for marvel fans. Really glad they pulled off an antman movie, however, they've been working on this for close to a decade if not more than, I got the feeling Edgar Wrights version would've been a better film, but what can ya do.

I have a few things to say about the upcoming captain america civil war film. The number one thing would have to be, why rush and adapt the civil war arc, and condense it into ONE film. On top of that, civil war had ALOT of marvel heroes and villains, theres no way on gods green earth they can successfully adapt this into 3 films let alone 1. Also, why make it a captain america film, the entire point of the arc was that you weren't sure who to root for, what are people going to think going into this movie, guess I cant root for ironman cant I. I wont spoil what happened to the captain in the comic, but if its disney handling this film, there is no possible way it can be done. Of course I have to remind myself that when the avengers was announced, the first thing that came to my kind was, yep this is gonna suck, so I am wrong from time to time.

After seeing the batman v superman comicon trailer I gotta say I have hope again. Fucking movie has been completed for more than a year now and finally there releasing it, competition had a lot to do with it but still, warner bros doesn't seem to be very confident of this film. That being said, I still want to see it, I like that we don't have to sit through another batman origin, there will of course be flashbacks, but I like were getting a weathered and bitter batman. I'm also one of the few who enjoyed Henry Cavills superman, man of steel did have flaws but I think the dark and serious superman was the way to go. Hopefully theres some news tomorrow!   

Friday, July 24, 2015

july 24 2015

I've gone my whole life not watching any movies premiering on the syfy channel, yet somehow I managed to get myself trapped in a room with none other than the aptly titled sharknado 3 oh hell no! The circumstances of how I got myself into this predicament I wont get into, it was funny after it was over, my friends quickly stood up and shouted WE WASTED 2 HOURS ON THAT, my only response was tell me dear friends, what the hell did you expect exactly, an Emmy winning performance from Tara Reid, I think not. Also, dear syfy, 2015 and were still killing the black guy first, and why does Ann Coulter get to live exactly, actually I imagine she must taste gamy never mind.

In movie news, after being crowned third highest grossing movie of all time, it was announced Jurassic World would be getting a sequel. Not very surprising I know, I can only imagine what there going to do next though, raptors with frickin lasers attached to there frickin heads......what? Director of horrible bosses Seth Gordon to direct baywatch film with Dwayne(The Rock)Johnson to star, fingers crossed we get Scarlett Johansson. News of a xmen fantastic four crossover floating around, I guess fox thought, lets not get rid of them, LETS COMBINE THEM, HAHAHAHAH SUCK IT MARVEL! I do not agree with this.

Thats it for now, might be doing a review of antman tomorrow, still trying to figure out a good rating system, I have a couple of ideas that sound pretty funny but haven't decided yet. Only movie i'm really looking forward to now is hunger games mockingjay part 2, of course star wars in December, cant think of anymore i'm really looking to see in theaters. Might as well end this on a quick review of Paul Blart mall cop 2, Kevin James please stop. 

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

july 21 2015

I am about to review a film most love but I didn't. Be aware, this is just one assholes opinion of a film beloved by many. Jurassic world, the fourth in the Jurassic park franchise that is comprised almost entirely of new characters. Lets start with how I felt going in. I had heard rave reviews from critics and friends alike, but I was still on the fence having not seen it, I felt a disturbance in the force if you will. A few minutes into the movie I start to hear the signature Jurassic park theme, only something was off, it wasn't as seamless as it should have been, thats because I noticed later, they just took the track off of the soundtrack from the first film, think im lying look it up on youtube its the exact same track, funny enough they never play it again the entire film.

Then the characters start to infuriate me, the only one I liked was Chris Pratt's. One minor annoyance was whenever there was a helicopter in the scene it looked like a toy, but people came out of it, I was flabbergasted. The number one thing I didn't like and it seems weird but I felt it would've been cool. You never really hear the signature t-rex roar, its always mashed together with different sounds, was there a need for that, seriously just give us the t-rex roar from the first one unspliced. Many more things annoyed me but I wont go into them, I left the theater feeling like Stan from that one episode of south park where all he hears is shit and the doctors diagnose him with being a cynical asshole.

Not much in news, they're making a minecraft movie and why not, right. They're also making an emoji movie (HUH). Disney is back with more live action announcements, this time its the sword in the stone, to Disney I say, if it turns out like that god awful king Arthur movie, I will never go to another Disney film again. Wait...Disney owns marvel..........dammit!

july 20 2015

Over the weekend I saw a new film, new to me at least. Here on earth, starring Chris Klein and josh hartnett, basically a rip off of a walk to remember which was a better film. While I was watching this I realized something, for some reason or another I HATE Chris Klein. Not sure why, could be because his acting is atrocious or.....nope maybe I just hate him, the movie didn't convince me he should be liked either. During the course of the film Chris and josh are vieing for attention from this girl, who's joshs girl already, and there is no reason whatsoever to actually root for Chris's character, hes a stereotypical DOUCHEBAG! You end up feeling sorry for josh because of course the girl is gonna go for the asshole.

I could've gone into that more but my head started to hurt, the movie was bad. Not much in movie news, a 21 year old was found dead in demi moores swimming pool, dont know why, but I found it funny. Benicio Del toro is being eyed for the villain role for star wars episode 8, he was going to be kahn in star trek into darkness but turned it down, it begs the question how does the force awakens end, clearly it ends on a cliffhanger, proving my point that the new star wars will give us the big middle finger and leaving us with more questions than answers. I got a bad feeling about this, hehehe!

july 18 2015

Another lull in movie news, weekend is coming up which usually means the news is nill. The writers for the new spiderman have been announced, a couple of comedy movie writers. Not sure how to feel about this, more humor in a spiderman might be good, but there goes any bit of realistic drama atleast in my opinion. Comedy writers have been notorious for poor dramatic writing. Spiderman technicly speaking is more of a humor character, but he also has very heartfelt, and depressing moments in his history. One can hope they get it right and lets face it, marvel studios seem to know what theyre doing.

Lets talk about fantastic four while were on the subject of comic book movies. Im one of the few that actually liked the tim story films. Sure they were a bit light hearted but it seemed to be a good fit for the team. I may be wrong, never really looked into the fantastic four comic history. The new film they have coming out is a reboot to try and win some younger viewers by making it “edgier”. Two problems I have so far from footage ive seen, 1 THE THING DOESNT WEAR PANTS! And we get a clear shot at his special zone, guess what, NOTHING THERE! Atleast with the other ones he had pants on so one would think, wow that guys just a big rock he must be miserable, but atleast hes got his meat and two veg. Number 2, the twins are white sue storm and black johnny storm, theyre adopted sure, but where does the word twin come into play.

july 16 2015

Still not sold on apocalypse, his look for the film is just goofy. Stephen kings IT has found a new director, hopefully it moves forward im interested in seeing what they'll do. Another slow day in movie news, the lull continues. So this entry shall be a review of sorts.

Finished the film TAPE directed by Richard Linklater. Decent film about two high school friends that meet back up after Robert Sean Leonard character has a movie opening in a film festival. Ethan hawkes character is a pot dealer with delusions of grandeur, they catch up in a motel room after years of not seeing each other, all goes well for the first 5 minutes then the problems that were there before rear there ugly head. Its a film about friendship and how fragile it can be, and how we take it for granted. Also one of those films that take place in a single room for the entire film.

New to the reviews, probably should review something I despise to see how colorful I can get with my language. Neil blompkamp is moving forward with his alien sequel, this one hopefully with the surviving cast of aliens. Ignoring alien 3 and alien resurrection is probably the smartest choice, but I liked alien 3, you actually could have stopped the franchise there but oh no, we have to clone her to see if the franchise can still make money. At least with this one they're ignoring her death in 3, HOPEFULLY!!!

july 15 2015

If you haven't seen the trailer leaks from comicon, you might want to check them out. Xmen apocalypse was one with our first look at the films titular villain. My thoughts, too early to tell but from what ive seen, not impressed but again too early to tell. Hopefully they work on the makeup for apocalypse because right now he looks like he came straight out of the mighty morphin power ranger movie. Of course deadpool was awesome, glad they're taking advantage of that r rating. Batman v superman and suicide squad are different stories.

I'm still on the fence about batman v superman mainly because its been pushed back a few times even though its been complete for little over a year now. Suicide squad gave us our first glimpse at joker, im cautiously optimistic about jared leto, I like he didn't exaggerate his voice to much for it but the damn tattoos throw me off. I'm hoping there is something more to them, maybe the joker tattooed himself for a weird (but logical for the joker) reason.

Slow day in movie news, theres always a lull after comicon. Resident evil: the final chapter has finally started filming, not sure how excited I am for that. Lord knows im gonna watch it, with each installment after the second one I hope maybe this one will be ok, only to watch the whole thing and scream at the tv WRONG. Still, there is the thin veneer of hope. Another bit of news, disney isnt done doing live action versions of their animated classics, this time however they're making a prequel to aladdin about his genie (WHAT?!?!).