Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Great things have small beginnings!

Time for some news, The Conjuring 2 has begun filming, oh joy......meh. Pacific Rim 2 put on hold indefinitely, saw that one coming from a mile away. The film Taken is getting a TV series, the series will tell how Bryan Mills became the man with a very particular set of skills, this could go either way, it does sound intriguing. The Gambit film has hit another snag, the director has left citing previous engagements, this is sounding more and more like the Crow reboot we still haven't gotten. Ridley Scott recently let slip there may be as many as 3 Prometheus sequels being planned, with that last one I say, well......shit!

Speaking of Prometheus, I recently saw Damon Lindelofs newest film, he didn't direct but he wrote it, Tomorrowland which I have to say wasn't all bad. It started off pretty awesome, glimpses of the city Tomorrowland, although they never call it that, were strewn throughout the beginning. But the narrative was a little off, it took a little minute for it to figure out which story it wanted to tell. The humor was surprising, there were quite a lot of laugh out loud moments. Then the ending came, while not terrible, it felt ridiculous, wont spoil it for you because who knows, you might love it. I think it was definitely worth watching, I just wish the ending could have been tweaked a little, what I saw was laughable.

Finally, I saw the dreaded Fantastic Four! I'm not sure what this film was originally going to be, but it really did end up a big pile of shit. Perhaps I'm being too tough on it, lets examine shall we. Ill list my problems, number 1, they get their powers from the “negative zone” and right after that Reed Richards decides to up and leave everyone, then the government offers Ben Grimm a chance at being normal again but he has to help them with something, cut to a year later and Reed is still gone and the rest of the team are basically super powered mercenaries, What The Fuck!? Why the time gap, that was a chance to show some action, and the movie SEVERELY NEEDED THAT, as it stands the only action was the ending, and don't get me started on how abrupt that was! Then there's number 2, Doctor Doom looked like a rejected 3rd graders science experiment, what the hell was that, and he goes from glad to be OK to KILL EVERYTHING within a matter of minutes. Number 3 of course was a sever lack of character development, even when you try and care what happened to these characters on screen, you eventually just say fuck it let em die, could be more entertaining than what I'm seeing maybe even funnier. And of course the problem I had since day one, the minute I saw the trailer, THE THING DOES NOT HAVE REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS AND DOESN'T EVEN ACKNOWLEDGE THE LACK OF EQUIPMENT.

And now a top 5, Worst Movies (Anything from the SyFy Network doesn't count!)

5. House of the Dead
4. Xmen Origins: Wolverine
3. Ghost Rider
2. Alien Vs Predator
1. The Crow Wicked Prayer

Whats your top 5 worst movies?                                                                                                                   

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