Tuesday, September 8, 2015

You cheated you dick!

A Cabin Fever Remake! Are you like a crazy person! And Eli Roth is helping release this! What in the actual fuck have I missed! Its not even an old film by any stretch of the imagination! Another interesting announcement that went completely over my head, the new Halloween film they've working on is not a sequel to Rob Zombies Halloween films, but a sequel to the original Halloween 2 (1981). Ladies and gentlemen, the future for horror is getting really questionable. With a new Friday The 13th and Nightmare reboot coming soon, I half expect an announcement of a Hellraiser reboot, and guess what, THEY'RE CONTEMPLATING A JAWS REBOOT! Ill end this paragraph with a bit of levity, the new Star Wars toys are hilariously awesome!

Now for a review, San Andreas. Dwayne Johnson's new disaster porn movie, after watching this I tried to imagine how they pitched this film to him, or rather how much did he get paid to do it. It was a hit at the box office which proves beyond the shadow of a doubt, if the movie sounds like it will suck, throw The Rock in it and watch the money flow in. It wasn't too terrible I guess, the effects were nice, but it seemed like a love drama, the disaster was just for cool stuff to look at. I think this could have been made with a lower budget and a smaller disaster and it would've been the same movie, it just seemed pointless. They threw in Paul Giamatti just to tell everyone what exactly was going on, why the earthquakes were happening, you could have cut his character out completely and you wouldn't miss anything, its a shame too, hes a good actor why would you cast him if you're going to underutilize him. I wouldn't even recommend this to the most hardcore The Rock fans.

And now the dreaded Top 5! Cult Classics!

5. Grandmas Boy (2006)
This one was unique, and dare I say it the funniest movie Happy Madison has come out with. You never saw this one coming, I remember renting this because it was about the lives of game testers, and I was a bit of a geek so I thought what the hell. Completely took me by surprise, it was a stoner classic right up there with Bill and Ted, but alas like many cult films, it suffered from poor marketing.
4. The Big Lebowski (1998)
Another stoner flick that went under the radar, this one I can understand why it didn't have a good marketing strategy. Seriously, watch this movie and try to build up hype for it. Its a movie about an ordinary dude, put in an extraordinary situation, and hilarity ensues. This one is also very quotable. The Dude Abides!
3. The Boondock Saints (1999)
You knew this one was coming, this one came out of nowhere and rocked anybody who saw it. This film suffered however because if its director and writer, who made it to the big time and then told everyone to fuck off. There even a documentary about the crisis this movie was behind the scenes, but despite the drama, the guy made a classic film, just don't see the second film!
2. Fight Club (1999)
This is close to being my favorite movie of all time, any kid growing up can relate at least a little to it. This and Boondock Saints had the potential to be block busters, but they happened to come out during a tragic time, during Columbine. So naturally critics and a whole bunch of people slammed them for being too violent, but today they're remembered as classics!
1. Donnie Darko (2001)
This indeed is another contender for one of my favorite films, and another that was difficult to market. This film in my opinion NEEDS repeat viewings just so you can ingest every detail this film had to offer. I also have a weak spot for weird films, the more surreal the better! I don't want to give away anything about this film so if you haven't seen it yet, take a leap of faith, SEE IT!

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