Monday, September 14, 2015

That kid is back on the escalator!

Anybody want a Mary Poppins sequel, congrats Disney just announced it. You can keep that shit, Jeepers Creepers 3 is what I'm excited for and they are FINALLY moving forward with it! Arnold Schwarzenegger replacing Donald Trump on Celebrity Apprentice, screw every Arnold hater, I finally have a reason to watch the show! M. Night Shyamalan's new film The Visit opened to decent reviews!? Kong: Skull Island moving to Warner Bros., talk of a King Kong vs Godzilla film coming soon!? Fox is still trying to make a Fantastic Four sequel (GAH!). Mallrats 2 finally starting production, phew its been a busy couple of days!

A rumor is floating around about the live action Akira film, the rumor being instead of 2 films, which was the original plan, it will be a trilogy of films. But thats not the juiciest part, word has it they've been talking to Christopher Nolan to helm them. This is good or bad news depending on the person, some loved the Dark Knight trilogy, while others continue to mock them. Good news to me, if this turns out to be true, I am fucking ECSTATIC! I absolutely love the anime film, never read the manga, but I hear the anime film only covered a portion of what transpired. Sure this sounds a lot like what happened with the Hobbit films, but I have hope, and I'm a bigger fan of Nolan than I am of Jackson. Time will tell, maybe this film will never be made, this is another film they've wanted to adapt for more than a decade, much like Battle Angel.

I talked a little before about Xmen Apocalypse and how I hated how the titular villain looked, granted they did say that wasn't the final look, it still looked pretty bad guys. A leaked still was unveiled last week that showed us a different look for the villain Apocalypse, and I gotta tell you guys, THIS is Apocalypse! He may not look like that the entire film but one can only hope theres a decent portion of it where he does. It seems silly to say I now have hope for the film but I do, our first look of him was God awful. I imagined myself watching the first 15 minutes of the film waiting for the final look only to find out our first look was pretty much the final look, I got up threw my popcorn at the screen, yelled a couple of expletives and walked out warning people this wasn't xmen but a remake of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. But thank you to the bearded dude in the sky, that was not his final look!

And now a quick top 5, Best Video Game Films

5. Street Fighter (1994)
4. Resident Evil (2002)
3. Mortal Kombat (1995)
2. Hitman (2007)
1. Silent Hill (2006)

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