Thursday, October 29, 2015

I thought you would be taller!

Mathew McConaughey turns down role in Guardians of the Galaxy sequel, bloody shame, was really looking forward to seeing what he could bring to the Marvel universe.  Norman Reedus hosting his own motorcycle reality show on AMC, this sounds a bit odd but ok, ill bite.  New pic revealed of the joker in Suicide Squad film, apparently hes a pimp now.  Pitch Perfect 3 moving forward with the director of the second film directing it, good news to some.  Trick or Treat director assures fans that there WILL be a sequel, says be patient.  Villain cast in John Wick sequel, and its Common the rapper, not 100% sure how i feel about this.  Last but not least, set photos show Super Troopers 2 has indeed begun filming, YAY!

Recently saw Eli Roth's new film The Green Inferno, Holy Shit!  Graphic, I recommend it to anyone with a morbid sense of humor, and a strong stomach.  The only thing green in this film were the trees!  Gotta hand it to Eli Roth, now i see why this film took years to release, BUT, Cannibal Holocaust is still the better film.  Much better than his newer film Knock Knock, that one didn't even feel like one of his films, may have just been an experiment of his.  I'm also a big sucker for "torture porn" films, not sure what it is, but the more shocking the film, the more i enjoy it.  That being said, this was also very humorous, again dark humor so be warned.

I recently went on a binge of DC animated films, gotta say, so far these have been preferable to the live action.  I can only hope that Suicide Squad feels at least a little like Batman: Assault on Arkham.  My favorite so far has been Throne of Atlantis, did a good job of making Aquaman look and feel badass.  The live action films they're planning could be good, unfortunately the future of these films depends on how well Batman V Superman does at the box office.  So far, Batman V Superman is reportedly THE most expensive film made in Hollywood, over 400 million dollars, this is troubling especially since Man of Steel barely earned that much Worldwide.  Time will tell.

And now Ladies and Gents, a top 5!

Top 5 Directors!  ( BESIDES SPIELBERG!!!)

5. Guillermo del Toro
4. Gore Verbinski
3. Christopher Nolan
2. Quentin Tarantino
1. David Fincher

Thursday, October 15, 2015

I thought you were dead!

Well, its been a long time folks, anybody interested in another Bridget Jones film! Yea me neither! The Pride and Prejudice and Zombies trailer is up and looks just as ridiculously awesome as Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter! James Cameron announces new Avatar comics, (BLEH! Just make the damn sequels already!). The Expendables 4 has been green lit, bet ya cant wait for a PG Expendables film because you know thats coming right?! The new animated film Batman: The Killing Joke could be rated R says writer, yea and I'm a monkeys uncle........wait a minute! Thor and Hulk will team up for Thor Ragnarok, YAY AWESOME NEWS! Luther creator is developing a screenplay for the remake to Escape From New York, YAY MEDIOCRE NEWS! The Notebook director is directing Ronda Rousey in a Road House remake, YAY DONT CARE NEWS! Robert Rodriguez to direct and James Cameron to produce Battle Angel adaptation, HOLY FUCKING SHIT NEWS!!!

Been a few weeks since I've written, and oddly enough not much news in movies. I have seen a few though, M. Night's new film The Visit, that was a doozy. Let me start this off with telling everyone the movie can be viewed in 2 ways, it depends on the persons personality. Now some have a twisted dark sense of humor, others have a normal one, I'm the former. Being that I have this sense of humor, this sort of movie was NOT going to be a horror film to me. This movie was hilarious, I've never seen a more awkward attempt at horror. I wont give anything away but the plot, its about 2 kids spending a week with their grandparents and apparently theres a secret the daughter is trying to figure out. Thats it, wont give you anymore, if you have my sense of humor its worth a watch at the very least because it is bloody hysterical!

Tried to watch the new Vacation film, that ended up being a test of my patience. The trailers made it out to be funny, but 30 minutes in and I just felt exhausted trying to watch it, it wasn't entertaining nor funny, 45 minutes in I just gave up. The director of the fourth Die Hard film came out and said he was planning a prequel/sequel for the sixth film, I'm perplexed by this decision, who cares what John McClane did before Nakatomi? I don't so I'm asking a legitimate question, did anybody ask for a fucking prequel to Die Hard? Cant wait though for this Battle Angel movie, I am so glad James Cameron handed the directing duties over to someone else, and not just somebody else but Robert Fucking Rodriguez! I have a glimmer of hope for the future, provided Evangelion 3.33 doesn't fucking get pushed back!

And now a top 5! Comic Book Films.

5. Hellboy (2004)
4. The Punisher (2004)
3. Blade (1998)
2. Constantine (2005)
1. The Avengers (2012)

What are your favorite comic book films?